Upgrade war factory to unlock higher level units. Constructing the war factory will allow you to build vehicles. Tap on the attack button to begin the assault. Secrets cheat gameplay War Commander: Rogue Assault android bug codes: gold crates from destroying enemy players contain value equipment for your units. Loot crates contain components for building and upgrading your units. Incursion allows you to steal resources and awards you loot crates for destroying enemy Hqa. Open the Attack Nav to test your next strike against the enemy. You can now attempt to liberate Europe from aggressive Rogue Factions. Collect your rewards from the objectives screen. Rogue warlords have taken swaths of Europe, declarion themselves independent nations. Rural communities are reduced to armed compounds. Unemployment, food shortages and riots rage across the European continent. Welcome game War Commander: Rogue Assault!The global economy, built upon the consumption of cheap fossil fuels, has collapsed. Hacked version, cheats codes - contact us: The United States of America (USA) New York City, 228 Park Ave S, NY 10003-1502